

Graph-Based Models for Managing Development Processes, Resources, and Products

14 years 4 months ago
Graph-Based Models for Managing Development Processes, Resources, and Products
Abstract. Management of development processes in di erent engineering disciplines is a challenging task. We present an integrated approach which covers not only the activities to be carried out, but also the resources required and the documents produced. Integrated management of processes, resources, and products is based on a model which is formally speci ed by a programmed graph rewriting system. Management tools are generated from the formal speci cation. In this way, we obtain a management system which assists in the coordination of developers cooperating in the development of a complex technical product.
Carl-Arndt Krapp, Sven Krüppel, Ansgar Schlei
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where TAGT
Authors Carl-Arndt Krapp, Sven Krüppel, Ansgar Schleicher, Bernhard Westfechtel
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