

The UML as a Formal Modeling Notation

14 years 6 months ago
The UML as a Formal Modeling Notation
The Uni ed Modeling Language UML is rapidly emerging as a de-facto standard for modelling OO systems. Given this role, it is imperative that the UML needs a well-de ned, fully explored semantics. Such semantics is required in order to ensure that UML concepts are precisely stated and de ned. In this paper we motivate an approach to formalizing UML in which formal speci cation techniques are used to gain insight into the semantics of UML notations and diagrams and describe a roadmap for this approach. The authors initiated the Precise UML PUML group in order to develop a precise semantic model for UML diagrams. The semantic model is to be used as the basis for a set of diagrammatical transformation rules, which enable formal deductions to be made about UML diagrams. A small example shows how these rules can be used to verify whether one class diagram is a valid deduction of another. Because these rules are presented at the diagrammatical level, it will be argued that UML can be successf...
Andy Evans, Robert B. France, Kevin Lano, Bernhard
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where UML
Authors Andy Evans, Robert B. France, Kevin Lano, Bernhard Rumpe
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