

ParaStation User Level Communication

14 years 7 months ago
ParaStation User Level Communication
PULC is a user-level communication library for workstation clusters. PULC provides a multi-user, multi-programming communication library for user level communication on top of high-speed communication hardware. In this paper, we describe the design of the communication subsystem, a rst implementation on top of the ParaStation communication card, and benchmark results of this rst implementation. PULC removes the operating system from the communication path and o ers a multi-process environment with user-space communication. Additionally, wehave moved some operating system functionality to the user level to provide higher e ciency and exibility. Message demultiplexing, protocol processing, hardware interfacing, and mutual exclusion of critical sections are all implemented in user-level. PULC o ers the programmer multiple interfaces including TCP user-level sockets, MPI CGH94], PVM BDG+93], and Active Messages CCHvE96]. Throughput and latency are close to the hardware performance (e.g., t...
Joachim M. Blum, Thomas M. Warschko, Walter F. Tic
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where WAN
Authors Joachim M. Blum, Thomas M. Warschko, Walter F. Tichy
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