

Reducing the Complexity of ILP Formulations for Synthesis

14 years 7 months ago
Reducing the Complexity of ILP Formulations for Synthesis
Integer Linear Programming ILP is commonly used in high level and system level synthesis. It is an NP-Complete problem in general cases. There exists some tools that give an optimal solution for small ILP formulations. Nevertheless, these tools may not give solutions for complex formulations. In this paper, we present a solution to overcome the problem of complexity in ILP formulations. We propose a partitioning methodology based on a constraint graph representing all the constraints included in any ILP formulation. To direct the partitioning, the constraint graph nodes are grouped to represent Data Flow Graph DFG nodes. This reduced constraint graph can be used to partition any ILP formulation based on DFG. We illustrate this method on ILP formulation for scheduling. Results on ILP scheduling formulations are promising.
Anne Mignotte, Olivier Peyran
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where ISSS
Authors Anne Mignotte, Olivier Peyran
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