

Towards a Mathematical Operational Semantics

14 years 7 months ago
Towards a Mathematical Operational Semantics
We present a categorical theory of ‘well-behaved’ operational semantics which aims at complementing the established theory of domains and denotational semantics to form a coherent whole. It is shown that, if the operational rules of a programming language can be modelled as a natural transformation of a suitable general form, depending on functorial notions of syntax and behaviour, then one gets the following for free: an operational model satisfying the rules and a canonical, internally fully abstract denotational model which satisfies the operational rules. The theory is based on distributive laws and bialgebras; it specialises to the known classes of well-behaved rules for structural operational semantics, such as GSOS.
Daniele Turi, Gordon D. Plotkin
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where LICS
Authors Daniele Turi, Gordon D. Plotkin
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