

Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Interface to a Digital Video Library

14 years 6 months ago
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Interface to a Digital Video Library
For the huge amounts of audio and video material that could usefully be included in digital libraries, the cost of producing human-generated annotations and meta-data is prohibitive. In the Informedia Digital Video Library, the production of meta-data supporting the library interface is automated using techniques from Artificial Intelligence (AI). By applying speech recognition, natural language processing and image analysis, the interface helps users locate the information they want and navigate or browse the digital video library more effectively. Specific AI-based interface components include automatic titles, filmstrips, video skims, word location marking and representative frames for shots. Keywords video browsing, information retrieval interfaces, speech recognition, News-On-Demand, multimedia indexing and search, Informedia, artificial intelligence, automatic text summarization, video summarization, digital library
Alexander G. Hauptmann, Michael J. Witbrock, Micha
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where CHI
Authors Alexander G. Hauptmann, Michael J. Witbrock, Michael G. Christel
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