

A Transparent Light-Weight Group Service

14 years 6 months ago
A Transparent Light-Weight Group Service
The virtual synchrony model for group communication has proven to be a powerful paradigm for building distributed applications. Implementationsof virtual synchrony usually require the use of failure detectors and failure recovery protocols. In applications that require the use of a large number of groups, significant performance gains can be attained if these groups share the resources required to provide virtual synchrony. A service that maps user groups onto instances of a virtually synchronous implementation is called a Light-Weight Group Service. This paper proposes a new design for the Light-Weight Group protocols that enables the usage of this service in a transparent manner. As a test case, the new design was implemented in the Horus system, although the underlying principles can be appliedto other architectures as well. The paper also presents performance results from this implementation.
Luís Rodrigues, Katherine Guo, Antonio Sarg
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where SRDS
Authors Luís Rodrigues, Katherine Guo, Antonio Sargento, Robbert van Renesse, Bradford B. Glade, Paulo Veríssimo, Kenneth P. Birman
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