

Functional Object-Oriented Programming with Object-Gofer

14 years 5 months ago
Functional Object-Oriented Programming with Object-Gofer
Object-Gofer is a small, practical extension of the functional programming language Gofer incorporating the following ideas from the object-oriented community: objects and toplevel classes, subtype and implementation inheritance, method redefinition, late binding and self type specialization. The semantics of Object-Gofer is defined by translation into pure Gofer. Although this restricts the design space, it turns out that using a suitable framework of monads, higher-order polymorphism, and overloading, objects smooth well with functions. 1 Case for Functional Object-oriented Programming Object-oriented concepts are ubiquitous in programming. Objects may model real life entities, or may represent system artifacts like stacks. Objects provide a way to structure a system and to control the computation. The most characteristic feature of object-oriented programming is inheritance, which allows new classes to be defined as increments of existing ones. Inheritance comes with late binding...
Wolfram Schulte, Klaus Achatz
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where GI
Authors Wolfram Schulte, Klaus Achatz
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