

Parallel Simulation of Ion Recombination in Nonpolar Liquids

14 years 6 months ago
Parallel Simulation of Ion Recombination in Nonpolar Liquids
Abstract. Ion recombination in nonpolar liquids is an important problem in radiation chemistry. We have designed and implemented a parallel Monte Carlo simulation for this computationally-intensive task on a network of workstations. The main problem with parallelizing this application is that the amount of work performed by each process decreases during execution, resulting in high communication overhead and load imbalances. We address this problem by dynamically adjusting the number of processors that are used. We have evaluated the performance of the parallel program on two systems, one using Ethernet and the other using Myrinet. On Ethernet, the program suffers from a large communication overhead. Using the Myrinet high-speed network in combination with a programming system (Orca) that is optimized for fast networks, however, the program obtains a high efficiency.
Frank J. Seinstra, Henri E. Bal, Hans J. W. Spoeld
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where HPCN
Authors Frank J. Seinstra, Henri E. Bal, Hans J. W. Spoelder
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