

Flipping Edges in Triangulations

14 years 7 months ago
Flipping Edges in Triangulations
A triangulation of a point set Pn is a partitioning of the convex hull Conv(Pn) into a set of triangles with disjoint interiors such that the vertices of these triangles are in Pn, and no element of Pn lies in the interior of any of these triangles. An edge e of a triangulation T is called flippable if it is contained in the boundary of two triangles of T, and the union of these triangles forms a convex quadrilateral C. By flipping e we mean the operation of deleting e from T and replacing it by the other diagonal of C. A triangulation of a polygon Qn is a partition of Qn into a set of n-2 triangles with disjoint interiors such that the edges of these triangles are vertices of Qn. In this paper we will prove that any triangulation of a point set (polygon) can be transformed into any other by a sequence of flips. We will also prove that there are triangulations of point sets (polygons) such that to transform one into the other takes O(n2) flips. We prove that any triangulation of any s...
Ferran Hurtado, Marc Noy, Jorge Urrutia
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Authors Ferran Hurtado, Marc Noy, Jorge Urrutia
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