

Do Story Agents Use Rocking Chairs? The Theory and Implementation of One Model for Computational Narrative

14 years 7 months ago
Do Story Agents Use Rocking Chairs? The Theory and Implementation of One Model for Computational Narrative
Narrative structure models are useful tools for understanding how and why narratives of any medium affect an audience's level of participation in their role of story reconstruction and understanding. [14] With the advent of the computer comes the potential to negotiate through many such models and variables within models as a means of generating multiple narratives quickly and semi-autonomously. The computational narrative model presented in this paper offers one approach to narrative generation, that of splitting into three functional areas: 1) defining an abstract narrative structure; 2) defining a collection and organization of story pieces with some representation of their meaning; and 3) a navigational strategy or reasoning through that collection of story pieces. Agent Stories is a story design and presentation environment for non-linear, multiple-point-ofview cinematic stories. It is designed to be placed in the hands of the non-linear story writer to use as a tool to prom...
Kevin M. Brooks
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where MM
Authors Kevin M. Brooks
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