

Clustering Sequences of Complex Objects

14 years 6 months ago
Clustering Sequences of Complex Objects
Sequential Data This paper is about the unsuperviseddiscovery of patterns in sequencesof compositeobjects. A compositeobject may be describedas a sequenceof other, simpler data. In such cases,not only the nature of the componentsis important, but also the order in which thesecomponentsappear, The presentwork studiesthe problem of generalizingsequences of complex objects. A formal definition of generalizedsequencesis given, and an algorithm is derived. Becauseof the excessivecomputationalcomplexity of this algorithm, a heuristic version is described. Thisalgorithmis thenintegratedin a general-purposeclusteringalgorithm. The result is a knowledge discovery system which is able to analyze any structureddatabaseon the baseof a unified, unsupervisedmechanism.
A. Ketterlin
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where KDD
Authors A. Ketterlin
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