

Agents in Proactive Environments

14 years 7 months ago
Agents in Proactive Environments
Abstract. Agents situated in proactive environments are acting autonomously while the environment is evolving alongside, whether or not the agents carry out any particular actions. A formal framework for simulating and reasoning about this generalized kind of dynamic systems is proposed. The capabilities of the agents are modeled by a set of conditional rules in a temporal-logical format. The environment itself is modeled by an independent transition relation on the state space. The temporal language is given a declarative semantics.
Dov M. Gabbay, Rolf Nossum, Michael Thielscher
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where KI
Authors Dov M. Gabbay, Rolf Nossum, Michael Thielscher
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