

Hierarchical Image Caching for Accelerated Walkthroughs of Complex Environments

14 years 7 months ago
Hierarchical Image Caching for Accelerated Walkthroughs of Complex Environments
We present a new method that utilizes path coherence to accelerate walkthroughs of geometrically complex static scenes. As a preprocessing step, our method constructs a BSP-tree that hierarchically partitions the geometric primitives in the scene. In the course of a walkthrough, images of nodes at various levels of the hierarchy are cached for reuse in subsequent frames. A cached image is reused by texture-mapping it onto a single quadrilateral that is drawn instead of the geometry contained in the corresponding node. Visual artifacts are kept under control by using an error metric that quantifies the discrepancy between the appearance of the geometry contained in a node and the cached image. The new method is shown to achieve speedups of an order of magnitude for walkthroughs of a complex outdoor scene, with little or no loss in rendering quality. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation -- Display algorithms; I.3.7 [Computer Graphics...
Jonathan Shade, Dani Lischinski, David Salesin, To
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Authors Jonathan Shade, Dani Lischinski, David Salesin, Tony DeRose, John M. Snyder
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