

CORBA and ODBMSs in Viewpoint Development Environment Architectures

14 years 6 months ago
CORBA and ODBMSs in Viewpoint Development Environment Architectures
Viewpoints are re ections of software systems from multiple perspectives. A number of consistency conditions apply to viewpoints and developers require a tool for each type of viewpoint. These tools need to support consistency management. Inter-viewpoint consistency can only be checked when tools are integrated into a viewpoint development environment. We brie y outline the functionality developers require from vironments. We discuss the suitability of abstract syntax graphs as a common viewpoint representation scheme. The main purpose of the paper is to present an object-oriented architecture for viewpoint-based environments. The architecture bene ts from the integration of object database management systems and object request brokers.
Wolfgang Emmerich
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where OOIS
Authors Wolfgang Emmerich
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