

Compositional State Space Generation from Lotos Programs

14 years 4 months ago
Compositional State Space Generation from Lotos Programs
This paper describes a compositional approach to generate the labeled transition system representing the behavior of a Lotos program by repeatedly alternating composition and reduction operations on subsets of its processes. To restrict the size of the intermediate Ltss generated, we generalize to the Lotos parallel composition operator the results proposed in [GS90], which consist in representing the environment of a process by an interface, i.e., a set of “authorized” execution sequences. This generalization allows to handle both user-given interfaces and automatically computed ones. This compositional generation method has been implemented within the Cadp toolbox and experimented on several realistic case-studies.
Jean-Pierre Krimm, Laurent Mounier
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Jean-Pierre Krimm, Laurent Mounier
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