

Set Operations for Recurrent Term Schematizations

14 years 6 months ago
Set Operations for Recurrent Term Schematizations
Abstract. Reasoning on programs and automated deduction often require the manipulation of in nite sets of objects. Many formalisms have been proposed to handle such sets. Here we deal with the formalism of recurrent terms proposed by Chen and Hsiang and subsequently re ned by several authors. These terms contains iterated parts and counter variables to control the iteration, providing an important gain in expressive power. However, little work has been devoted to the study of these terms as a mechanism to represent sets of terms equipped with the corresponding operations union, intersection, inclusion, membership. In this paper, we focus on the set operations relevant for this schematization formalism and we discuss several possible de nitions of these operations. We show how intersection, membership and inclusion can be solved by previously known algorithms and we prove the decidability of the generalisation of two iterated terms, which is the analogy of set union. Moreover, we rene t...
Ali Amaniss, Miki Hermann, Denis Lugiez
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Ali Amaniss, Miki Hermann, Denis Lugiez
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