

Power-Optimal Layout of Passive, Single-Hop, Fiber-Optic Interconnections Whose Capacity Increases with the Number of Stations

14 years 4 months ago
Power-Optimal Layout of Passive, Single-Hop, Fiber-Optic Interconnections Whose Capacity Increases with the Number of Stations
Passive, single-hop interconnections among N stations, each with several transmitters and receivers, provide a communication path between any two stations using one of the transmitters and receivers of each station. Such interconnections which permit a polylogarithmic (in N) number of concurrent transmissions using only spatial separation have recently been described. This paper shows how to optamally compose the layouts of any two fiber-optic single-hop interconnections to form that of the “product”interconnection. It presents a general method for optimally transforming a layered directed acyclac graph so as to balance the indegree and outdegree of intermediate vertices without altering (source, destination) connectivity.
Yitzhak Birk
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Authors Yitzhak Birk
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