

Using Commutativity Properties for Controlling Coercions

14 years 4 months ago
Using Commutativity Properties for Controlling Coercions
This paper investigates some soundness conditions which have to be fulfilled in systems with coercions and generic operators. A result of Reynolds on unrestricted generic operators is extended to generic operators which obey certain constraints. We get natural conditions for such operators, which are expressed within the theoretic framework of category theory. However, in the context of computer algebra, there arise examples of coercions and generic operators which do not fulfil these conditions. We describe a framework -- relaxing the above conditions -- that allows distinguishing between cases of ambiguities which can be resolved in a quite natural sense and those which cannot. An algorithm is presented that detects such unresolvable ambiguities in expressions.
Stephan A. Missura, Andreas Weber
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where AISC
Authors Stephan A. Missura, Andreas Weber
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