

Bayesian Inductive Logic Programming

14 years 6 months ago
Bayesian Inductive Logic Programming
Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) involves the construction of first-order definite clause theories from examples and background knowledge. Unlike both traditional Machine Learning and Computational Learning Theory, ILP is based on lockstep development of Theory, Implementations and Applications. ILP systems have successful applications in the learning of structure-activity rules for drug design, semantic grammars rules, finite element mesh design rules and rules for prediction of protein structure and mutagenic molecules. The strong applications in ILP can be contrasted with relatively weak PAC-learning results (even highlyrestricted forms of logic programs are known to be prediction-hard). It has been recently argued that the mismatch is due to distributional assumptions made in application domains. These assumptions can be modelled as a Bayesian prior probability representing subjective degrees of belief. Other authors have argued for the use of Bayesian prior distributions for rea...
Stephen Muggleton
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where COLT
Authors Stephen Muggleton
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