

Discreet Solitary Games

14 years 7 months ago
Discreet Solitary Games
Cryptographic techniques have been used intensively in the past to show how to play multiparty games in an adversarial scenario. We now investigate the cryptographic power of a deck of cards in a solitaryscenario.Inparticular,we showhow a person can selecta random permutation satisfying a certain criterion dixreetly (without knowing which one was picked) using a simple deck of cards. We also show how it is possible using cards to play games of partial information such-as POKER, BRIDGE and other carda games in solitary.
Claude Crépeau, Joe Kilian
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Authors Claude Crépeau, Joe Kilian
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