

Composition and Behaviors of Probabilistic I/O Automata

14 years 6 months ago
Composition and Behaviors of Probabilistic I/O Automata
We augment the I/O automaton model of Lynch and Tuttle with probability, as a step toward the ultimate goal of obtaining a useful tool for specifying and reasoning about asynchronous probabilistic systems. Our new model, called probabilistic I/O automata, preserves the fundamental properties of the I/O automaton model, such as the asymmetric treatment of input and output and the pleasant notion of asynchronous composition. For certain classes of probabilistic I/O automata, we show that probabilistic behavior maps, which are an abstract representation of I/O automaton behavior in terms of a certain expectation operator, are compositional and stract with respect to a natural notion of probabilistic testing.
Sue-Hwey Wu, Scott A. Smolka, Eugene W. Stark
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Authors Sue-Hwey Wu, Scott A. Smolka, Eugene W. Stark
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