

Storage System Architectures for Continuous Media Data

14 years 6 months ago
Storage System Architectures for Continuous Media Data
Abstract. Data storage systems are being called on to manage continuous media data types, such as digital audio and video. There is a demand by applications for \constrained-latency storage access" (CLSA) to such data: precisely scheduled delivery of data streams. We believe that anticipated quantitative improvements in processor and storage-device performance will not be su cient for current data management architectures to meet CLSA requirements. The need for high-volume (but high-latency) storage devices, high-bandwidth access and predictable throughput rates mean that standard latency-masking techniques, such as bu ering, are inadequate for the service demands of these applications. We examine the ways in which storage system architectures must change in order to provide CLSA on continuous media, taking into account operating system and network support as well as database management. Particular points we cover include { changes in the form of requests and responses at the appl...
David Maier, Jonathan Walpole, Richard Staehli
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Where FODO
Authors David Maier, Jonathan Walpole, Richard Staehli
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