

A Fast FPGA Implementation of a General Purpose Neuron

14 years 6 months ago
A Fast FPGA Implementation of a General Purpose Neuron
The implementation of larger digital neural networks has not been possible due to the real-estate requirements of single neurons. We present an expandable digital architecture which allows fast and spacee cient computation of the sum of weighted inputs, providing an e cient implementation base for large neural networks. The actual digital circuitry is simple and highly regular, thus allowing very e cient space usage of ne grained FPGAs. We take advantage of the re-programmability of the devices to automatically generate new custom hardware for each topology of the neural network.
Valentina Salapura, Michael Gschwind, Oliver Maisc
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where FPL
Authors Valentina Salapura, Michael Gschwind, Oliver Maischberger
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