Abstract. We present a method to enhance wormhole routing algorithms for deadlock-free fault-tolerant routing in tori. We consider arbitrarily-located faulty blocks and assume only local knowledge of faults. Messages are routed via shortest paths when there are no faults, and this constraint is only slightly relaxed to facilitate routing in the presence of faults. The key concept we use is that, for each fault region, a fault ring consisting of fault free nodes and physical channels can be formed around it. These fault rings can be used to route messages around fault regions. We prove that at most four additional virtual channels are su cient to make any fully-adaptive algorithm tolerant to multiple faulty blocks in torus networks. As an example of this technique, we present simulation results for a fully-adaptive algorithm and show that good performance can be obtained with as many as 10% links faulty.
Suresh Chalasani, Rajendra V. Boppana