

An Index Implementation Supporting Fast Recovery for the POSTGRES Storage System

14 years 7 months ago
An Index Implementation Supporting Fast Recovery for the POSTGRES Storage System
This paper presents two algorithms for maintaining Btree index consistency in a DBMS which does not use write-ahead logging (WAL). One algorithm is similar to shadow paging, but improves performance by integrating shadow meta-data with index meta-data. The other algorithm uses a two-phase page reorganization scheme to reduce the space overhead caused by shadow paging. Although designed for the POSTGRES storage system, these algorithms would also be useful in a WAL-based storage system as support for logical logging. Measurements of a prototype implementation and estimates of the effect of the algorithms on large trees show that they will have little impact on data manager performance.
Mark Sullivan, Michael A. Olson
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where ICDE
Authors Mark Sullivan, Michael A. Olson
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