

Minimum Weight Euclidean Matching and Weighted Relative Neighborhood Graphs

14 years 7 months ago
Minimum Weight Euclidean Matching and Weighted Relative Neighborhood Graphs
The Minimum Weight Euclidean Matching (MWEM) problem is: given 2n point sites in the plane with Euclidean metric for interpoint distances, match the sites into n pairs so that the sum of the n distances between matched pairs is minimized. The graph theoretic version of this problem has been extensively studied since the pioneering work of Edmonds. The best time bound known for MEWM is O(n2:5(logn)4) due to Vaidya. His algorithm requires O(nlogn) space. We investigate new geometric properties of the problem and propose an O(n) space, O((n2 +F) logn) time algorithm based on the Weighted Voronoi Diagram(WVD) of the sites, where F is the number of edge- ips in the diagram as the weights change during the matching algorithm. We conjecture that F is close to O(n2). The new geometricresults established in thispaper includethe following: We introduce WeightedRelativeNeighborhood Graphs (WRNG)andWeightedGabriel Graphs(WGG). These are generalizations of their unweighted versions studied in the ...
Andy Mirzaian
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Where WADS
Authors Andy Mirzaian
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