

Cache Conscious Algorithms for Relational Query Processing

14 years 6 months ago
Cache Conscious Algorithms for Relational Query Processing
The current main memory (DRAM) access speeds lag far behind CPU speeds. Cache memory, made of static RAM, is being used in today's architectures to bridge this gap. It provides accesslatencies of 2-4 processor cycles, in contrast to main memory which requires 15-25 cycles. Therefore, the performance of the CPU depends upon how well the cachecan be utilized. We show that there are significant benefits in redesigning our traditional query processing algorithms so that they can make better use of the cache. The new algorithms run 8%-200% faster than the traditional ones.
Ambuj Shatdal, Chander Kant, Jeffrey F. Naughton
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where VLDB
Authors Ambuj Shatdal, Chander Kant, Jeffrey F. Naughton
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