The GE NLTooLsET is a set of text interpretation tools designed to be easily adapted to new domains. This report summarizes the system and its performance on the MUG-4 task . INTRODUCTIO N The GE NLTooLsET aims at extracting and deriving useful information from text using a knowledge-based , domain-independent core of text processing tools, and customizing the existing programs to each new task . The program achieves this transportability by using a core knowledge base and lexicon that adapts easil y to new applications, along with a flexible text processing strategy that is tolerant of gaps in the program 's knowledge base. The language analysis strategy in the NLTooLsET uses fairly detailed, chart-style syntactic parsing guided by conceptual expectations . Domain-driven conceptual structures provide feedback in parsing, con tribute to scoring alternative interpretations, help recovery from failed parses, and tie together information across sentence boundaries. The interaction b...
George B. Krupka, Paul S. Jacobs, Lisa F. Rau, Loi