

Interactive Volume Rendering on a Multicomputer

14 years 4 months ago
Interactive Volume Rendering on a Multicomputer
Direct volume rendering is a computationally intensive operation that has become a valued and often preferred visualization tool. For maximal data comprehension, interactive manipulation of the rendering parameters is desirable. To this end, a reasonable target would be a system capable of displaying 1283 voxel data sets at multiple frames per second. Although the computing resources required to attain this performance are beyond those available in current uniprocessor workstations, multicomputers and VLSI rendering hardware offer a solution. This paper describes a volume rendering algorithm for MIMD message passing multicomputers. This algorithm addresses the issues of distributed rendering, data set distribution, load balancing, and contention for the routing network. An implementation on a multicomputer with a 1D ring network is analyzed, and extension of the algorithm to a 2D mesh topology is described. In addition, the paper presents a method of exploiting screen coherence throug...
Ulrich Neumann
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where SI3D
Authors Ulrich Neumann
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