

Analysis of the Generalized Clock Buffer Replacement Scheme for Database Transaction Processing

14 years 4 months ago
Analysis of the Generalized Clock Buffer Replacement Scheme for Database Transaction Processing
The CLOCK algorithm is a popular buffer replacement algorithm becauseof its simplicity and its ability to approximate the performance of the Least Recently Used (LRU) replacement policy. The Generalized Clock (GCLOCK) buffer replacement policy usesa circular buffer and a weight associated with each page brought in buffer to decide on which pageto replace. We develop an approximate analysis for the GCLOCK policy under the Independent Reference Model (IRM) that applies to many database transaction processing workloads. We validate the analysis for various workloads with data accessskew. Comparison with simulations showsthat in all casesexamined the error is extremely small (less than 1% ). To show the usefulnessof the model we apply it to a Transaction Processing Council benchmark A (TPC-A) like workload. If knowledge of the different data partitions in this workload is assumed, the analysis shows that, wit h appropriate choice of weights, the performance of the GCLOCK algorithm can be ...
Victor F. Nicola, Asit Dan, Daniel M. Dias
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Authors Victor F. Nicola, Asit Dan, Daniel M. Dias
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