

The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto

14 years 4 months ago
The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto
This paper attempts to de ne an object-oriented database system. It describes the main features and characteristics that a system must have to qualify as an objectoriented database system. We have separated these characteristics into three groups: Mandatory, the ones the system must satisfy in order to be termed an objectoriented database system. These are complex objects, object identity, encapsulation, types or classes, inheritance, overriding combined with late binding, extensibility, computational completeness, persistence, secondary storage management, concurrency, recovery and an ad hoc query facility. Optional, the ones that can be added to make the system better, but which are not mandatory. These are multiple inheritance, type checking and inferencing, distribution, design transactions and versions. Open, the points where the designer can make a number of choices. These are the programming paradigm, the representation system, the type system, and uniformity. We have taken a p...
Malcolm P. Atkinson, François Bancilhon, Da
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1989
Where DOOD
Authors Malcolm P. Atkinson, François Bancilhon, David J. DeWitt, Klaus R. Dittrich, David Maier, Stanley B. Zdonik
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