

Subset Barrier Synchronization on a Private-Memory Parallel System

14 years 7 months ago
Subset Barrier Synchronization on a Private-Memory Parallel System
A global barrier synchronizes all processors in a parallel system. This paper investigates algorithms that allow disjoint subsets of processors to synchronize independently and in parallel. The user model of a subset barrier is straight forward; a processor that participates in a subset barrier needs to know only the name of the barrier and the number of participating processors. This paper identifies two general communication models for private-memory parallel systems: the bounded buffer broadcast model and the anonymous destination messagepassing model and presents algorithms for barrier synchronization in the terms of these models. The models are detailed enough to allow meaningful cost estimates for their primitives, yet independent of a specific architecture and can be supported efficiently by a modern private
Anja Feldmann, Thomas R. Gross, David R. O'Hallaro
Added 11 Aug 2010
Updated 11 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where SPAA
Authors Anja Feldmann, Thomas R. Gross, David R. O'Hallaron, Thomas Stricker
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