

Mining Parenthetical Translations for Polish-English Lexica

14 years 7 months ago
Mining Parenthetical Translations for Polish-English Lexica
Abstract. Documents written in languages other than English sometimes include parenthetical English translations, usually for technical and scientic terminology. Techniques had been developed for extracting such translations (as well as transliterations) from large Chinese text corpora. This paper presents methods for mining parenthetical translation in Polish texts. The main dierence between translation mining in Chinese and Polish is that the latter is based on the Latin alphabet and it is more dicult to identify English translations in Polish texts. On the other hand, some parenthetically translated terms are preceded with the abbreviation "ang." (=English), a kind of an "anchor", allowing for querying a Web search engine for such translations.
Filip Gralinski
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Filip Gralinski
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