

Ontology Evaluation through Text Classification

14 years 7 months ago
Ontology Evaluation through Text Classification
We present a new method to evaluate a search ontology, which relies on mapping ontology instances to textual documents. On the basis of this mapping, we evaluate the adequacy of ontology relations by measuring their classification potential over the textual documents. This data-driven method provides concrete feedback to ontology maintainers and a quantitative estimation of the functional adequacy of the ontology relations towards search experience improvement. We specifically evaluate whether an ontology relation can help a semantic search engine support exploratory search. We test this ontology evaluation method on an ontology in the Movies domain, that has been acquired semi-automatically from the integration of multiple semi-structured and textual data sources (e.g., IMDb and Wikipedia). We automatically construct a domain corpus from a set of movie instances by crawling the Web for movie reviews (both professional and user reviews). The 1-1 relation between textual documents (revi...
Yael Dahan Netzer, David Gabay, Meni Adler, Yoav G
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Yael Dahan Netzer, David Gabay, Meni Adler, Yoav Goldberg, Michael Elhadad
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