

Arguing and Explaining Classifications

14 years 4 months ago
Arguing and Explaining Classifications
Argumentation is a promising approach used by autonomous agents for reasoning about inconsistent knowledge, based on the construction and the comparison of arguments. In this paper, we apply this approach to the classi cation problem, whose purpose is to construct from a set of training examples a model (or hypothesis) that assigns a class to any new example. We propose a general formal argumentation-based model that constructs arguments for/against each possible classi cation of an example, evaluates them, and determines among the con icting arguments the acceptable ones. Finally, a \valid" classi cation of the example is suggested. Thus, not only the class of the example is given, but also the reasons behind that classi cation are provided to the user as well in a form that is easy to grasp. We show that such an argumentation-based approach for classi cation oers other advantages, like for instance classifying examples even when the set of training examples is inconsistent, and...
Leila Amgoud, Mathieu Serrurier
Added 12 Aug 2010
Updated 12 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Leila Amgoud, Mathieu Serrurier
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