

Automated generation of layout and control for quantum circuits

14 years 6 months ago
Automated generation of layout and control for quantum circuits
We present a computer-aided design flow for quantum circuits, complete with automatic layout and control logic extraction. To motivate automated layout for quantum circuits, we investigate grid-based layouts and show a performance variance of four times as we vary grid structure and initial qubit placement. We then propose two polynomialtime design heuristics: a greedy algorithm suitable for small, congestion-free quantum circuits and a dataflow-based analysis approach to placement and routing with implicit initial placement of qubits. Finally, we show that our dataflowbased heuristic generates better layouts than the state-ofthe-art automated grid-based layout and scheduling mechanism in terms of latency and potential pipelinability, but at the cost of some area. Categories and Subject Descriptors B.7.2 [Integrated Circuits]: Design Aids--layout, place
Mark Whitney, Nemanja Isailovic, Yatish Patel, Joh
Added 13 Aug 2010
Updated 13 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CF
Authors Mark Whitney, Nemanja Isailovic, Yatish Patel, John Kubiatowicz
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