

How Many Users should be Turned On in a Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channel

14 years 6 months ago
How Many Users should be Turned On in a Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channel
This paper considers broadcast channels with L antennas at the base station and m single-antenna users, where each user has perfect channel knowledge and the base station obtains channel information through a finite rate feedback. The key observation of this paper is that the optimal number of onusers (users turned on), say s, is a function of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and other system parameters. Towards this observation, we use asymptotic analysis to guide the design of feedback and transmission strategies. As L, m and the feedback rates approach infinity linearly, we derive the asymptotic optimal feedback strategy and a realistic criterion to decide which users should be turned on. Define the corresponding asymptotic throughput per antenna as the spatial efficiency. It is a function of the number of on-users s, and therefore, s should be appropriately chosen. Based on the above asymptotic results, we also develop a scheme for a system with finite many antennas and users. Compared ...
Wei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CISS
Authors Wei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider
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