

QoS-driven middleware for optimum provisioning of location based services

14 years 6 months ago
QoS-driven middleware for optimum provisioning of location based services
This paper proposes a middleware to reduce the and consistency are usually poor since they depend on cell consumption of network resources and optimize the provision of size; GPS techniques, however, give accurate positions but location of traffic. This middleware, called MILCO (Middleware perform poorly indoors and in masked environments. Hybrid for Location Cost Optimization), selects the optimum location techniques are proposed as a way of overcoming all of these technique for each location request, i.e. the location technique drawbacks by combining measurements used in several other that satisfies the required quality of service (QoS) and which, at techniques. The advantages of these location techniques are the same time, minimizes the operating expenses of resources. In then used to obtain a new technique that is better in terms of addition to this per request performance, MILCO takes oS than the standalone techniques [2]. The QoS advantage of ongoing and carried location processe...
Israel Martín-Escalona, Francisco Barcel&oa
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Israel Martín-Escalona, Francisco Barceló-Arroyo
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