

Skewed Flip-Flop Transformation for Minimizing Leakage in Sequential Circuits

14 years 6 months ago
Skewed Flip-Flop Transformation for Minimizing Leakage in Sequential Circuits
Mixed Vt has been widely used to control leakage without affecting circuit performance. However, current approaches target the combinational circuits even though sequential elements, such as flip-flops, contribute an appreciable proportion of the total leakage. A skewed flip-flop (SFF) is obtained by slightly increasing the gate length of a subset of the transistors in a conventional flip-flop. The resulting SFF will exhibit very skewed characteristics in terms of leakage and delay, which depend on the transistors that are replaced. We present an algorithm that selectively substitutes SFFs for conventional flip-flops in sequential circuits, such that the timing constraint is still satisfied while the leakage from the flip-flops is reduced. When combined with the mixed Vt technique, an average leakage saving of 16% is achieved, compared to the use of mixed Vt alone. Categories and Subject Descriptors: B.6.1 [Logic Design]: Design Styles--Sequential circuits; B.7.1 [Integrated Circuits]...
Jun Seomun, Jaehyun Kim, Youngsoo Shin
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where DAC
Authors Jun Seomun, Jaehyun Kim, Youngsoo Shin
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