

Non-sufficient Memories That Are Sufficient for Prediction

14 years 6 months ago
Non-sufficient Memories That Are Sufficient for Prediction
The causal states of computational mechanics define the minimal sufficient (prescient) memory for a given stationary stochastic process. They induce the -machine which is a hidden Markov model (HMM) generating the process. The -machine is, however, not the minimal generative HMM and minimal internal state entropy of a generative HMM is a tighter upper bound for excess entropy than provided by statistical complexity. We propose a notion of prediction that does not require sufficiency. The corresponding models can be substantially smaller than the -machine and are closely related to generative HMMs.
Wolfgang Löhr, Nihat Ay
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Wolfgang Löhr, Nihat Ay
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