

Automatic Sentiment Analysis in On-line Text

14 years 6 months ago
Automatic Sentiment Analysis in On-line Text
The growing stream of content placed on the Web provides a huge collection of textual resources. People share their experiences on-line, ventilate their opinions (and frustrations), or simply talk just about anything. The large amount of available data creates opportunities for automatic mining and analysis. The information we are interested in this paper, is how people feel about certain topics. We consider it as a classification task: their feelings can be positive, negative or neutral. A sentiment isn't always stated in a clear way in the text; it is often represented in subtle, complex ways. Besides direct expression of the user's feelings towards a certain topic, he or she can use a diverse range of other techniques to express his or her emotions. On top of that, authors may mix objective and subjective information about a topic, or write down thoughts about other topics than the one we are investigating. Lastly, the data gathered from the World Wide Web often contains ...
Erik Boiy, Pieter Hens, Koen Deschacht, Marie-Fran
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Erik Boiy, Pieter Hens, Koen Deschacht, Marie-Francine Moens
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