

Sharing the Know-how of a Latin American Open Access only e-journal: The Case of the Electronic Journal of Biotechnology

14 years 7 months ago
Sharing the Know-how of a Latin American Open Access only e-journal: The Case of the Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
Scientific communication is essential for the advancement of science and in generating benefits for the general society. Also it is fundamental in strengthening the knowledge society with a positive effect on innovation and economic growth. The Open Access journals have demonstrated to be important in providing a reliable and a more accessible mean in communicating science. An example as such, is that they are evaluated by the ISI Thomson Scientific
Graciela Muñoz, Atilio Bustos-Gonzál
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Graciela Muñoz, Atilio Bustos-González, Alejandra Muñoz-Cornejo
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