

Fixed Points for Discrete Logarithms

14 years 6 months ago
Fixed Points for Discrete Logarithms
: We establish a conjecture of Brizolis that for every prime p > 3 there is a primitive root r and an integer t in the interval [1, p − 1] with logr t = t. Here, logr is the discrete logarithm function to the base r for the cyclic group (Z/pZ)×. Tools include a numerically explicit version of the P´olya–Vinogradov inequality for the sum of values of a Dirichlet character on an interval, some combinatorial sieving techniques, plus an exhaustive search over small cases.
Mariana Levin, Carl Pomerance, K. Soundararajan
Added 15 Aug 2010
Updated 15 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ANTS
Authors Mariana Levin, Carl Pomerance, K. Soundararajan
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