Two dimensional point data can be considered one of the most basic, yet one of the most ubiquitous data types arising in a wide variety of applications. The basic scatter plot approach is widely used and highly effective for data sets of small to moderate size. However, it shows scalability problems for data sets of increasing size, of multiple classes and of time-dependency. In this short paper, we therefore present an improved visual analysis of such point clouds. The basic idea is to monitor certain statistical properties of the data for each point and for each class as a function of time. The output of the statistic analysis is used for identification of interesting data views decreasing information overload. The data is interactively visualized using various techniques. In this paper, we specify the problem, detail our approach, and present application results based on a real world data set. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Pic...