

Towards Benchmarking of Video Motion Tracking Algorithms

14 years 4 months ago
Towards Benchmarking of Video Motion Tracking Algorithms
The environment in which video motion needs to be tracked, places several constraints on the design of the tracking system. Current datasets which are used to evaluate and compare video motion tracking algorithms use a cumulative performance measure without thoroughly analyzing the effect of these different constraints imposed by the environment. There is need to build a heuristic framework which analyses these constraints as parameters of the framework and their effect on selection or design of tracking algorithm. The emphasis in this paper is to identify these parameters which will lay a foundation for defining subjective measures for the comparison of performance evaluation of tracking algorithms.
Mukesh C. Motwani, Nishith Tirpankar, Rakhi C. Mot
Added 15 Aug 2010
Updated 15 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Mukesh C. Motwani, Nishith Tirpankar, Rakhi C. Motwani, Monica N. Nicolescu, Frederick C. Harris Jr.
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