

Combining predictions for accurate recommender systems

14 years 7 months ago
Combining predictions for accurate recommender systems
We analyze the application of ensemble learning to recommender systems on the Netflix Prize dataset. For our analysis we use a set of diverse state-of-the-art collaborative filtering (CF) algorithms, which include: SVD, Neighborhood Based Approaches, Restricted Boltzmann Machine, Asymmetric Factor Model and Global Effects. We show that linearly combining (blending) a set of CF algorithms increases the accuracy and outperforms any single CF algorithm. Furthermore, we show how to use ensemble methods for blending predictors in order to outperform a single blending algorithm. The dataset and the source code for the ensemble blending are available online [9]. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.8 [Database Applications]: [Data mining] General Terms Algorithms, Measurement, Performance Keywords Recommender Systems, Netflix, Supervised Learning, Ensemble Learning
Michael Jahrer, Andreas Töscher, Robert Legen
Added 15 Aug 2010
Updated 15 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where KDD
Authors Michael Jahrer, Andreas Töscher, Robert Legenstein
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