

Dead reckoning from the pocket - An experimental study

14 years 4 months ago
Dead reckoning from the pocket - An experimental study
—Modern mobile phones enable absolute positioning based on GPS or WiFi. However, incremental positioning based on dead reckoning is an interesting source of complementary information, e.g., for indoor positioning or for filling in reception gaps. In the literature however, reasonable dead reckoning accuracies have been reported for fixed and typically a priori known device placements only, e.g., on the hip. Therefore, this paper contributes an experimental study of several published as well as novel approaches for dead reckoning in a scenario with unconstrained placement of a device in the user’s trouser pockets. Utilizing the movement of a sensor in a trouser pocket due to body motion, we estimate the user’s walking direction and steps robustly for arbitrary placements in the pocket and without additional body-worn sensors. We evaluate these methods on a large dataset of 23 traces of 8 different persons, and compare different approaches. Keywords-dead reckoning; pedestrian pos...
Ulrich Steinhoff, Bernt Schiele
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Ulrich Steinhoff, Bernt Schiele
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