In this paper, we introduce EXACT, the EXperimental Algorithmics Computational Toolkit. EXACT is a software framework for describing, controlling, and analyzing computer experiments. It provides the experimentalist with convenient software tools to ease and organize the entire experimental process, including the description of factors and levels, the design of experiments, the control of experimental runs, the archiving of results, and analysis of results. As a case study for EXACT, we describe its interaction with FAST, the Sandia Framework for Agile Software Testing. EXACT and FAST now manage the nightly testing of several large software projects at Sandia. We also discuss EXACT's advanced features, which include a driver module that controls complex experiments such as comparisons of parallel algorithms. Categories and Subject Descriptors G.4 [Mathematical Software]: Algorithm design and analysis; D.2.5 [Software Engineering]: Testing and debugging--testing tools General Terms...
William E. Hart, Jonathan W. Berry, Robert T. Heap