

What is Ubiquitous about Ubiquitous Computing? - Space, Technology, Surveillance, and Behaviour

14 years 7 months ago
What is Ubiquitous about Ubiquitous Computing? - Space, Technology, Surveillance, and Behaviour
: Discussing ubiquitous computing, the role of space is not quite clear. To get an understanding of the thinking on space, the main concepts of absolute, relational, and social space are explained. On this basis, the relation of space, technology, surveillance, and behaviour is concluded and exemplified by the results of a research project concerning video surveillance. Finally, it is argued what the consequences of the significance of space are and what in the end is ubiquitous about ubiquitous computing. 1 Space matters magine any imagination totally abstracted from any spatial factors? If so, at least it seems to be not that easy. If we think of hell for instance, we probably imagine it as a place quite deep in the underground that one can't get out. If we think of heaven, it would be a place in the sky, nice and open, but still some kind of space. But what is space? And what can be derived from that meaning in the context of ubiquitous computing and everyday life in public spa...
Martin Klamt
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where GI
Authors Martin Klamt
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